Concept Math Game: Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Half

Concept Math Game: Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Half

Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Half is a concept math game on the PBS Kids website, presented by the PBS Kids show Cyberchase. The game begins by presenting you with a ‘brain teaser’ which states, “when you think about the fraction ½, you might think of something like this…” and shows a square divided into eight triangles. 

The game then explains that are actually 13 different ways the triangles can be filled in to represent ½ and asks you to find all 13 ways.  The game tracks your progress and displays each new way at the top of the screen.

This game addresses the concept of fractions. Specifically, CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.3.NF.A.1: understand a fraction 1/b as the quantity formed by 1 part when a whole is partitioned into b equal parts; understand a fraction a/b as the quantity formed by a parts of size 1/b.

This concept math game would be most appropriate for third-grade students as the mathematical standard it addresses is a third-grade standard. However, the concept of fractions is expanded upon in the fourth and fifth grades so this game could be appropriately used there. This game can be used as a warm-up activity to explain the concept of fractions, an expansion activity to reinforce the concept of fractions, or as a puzzle game for extra practice.

To play this game students will need a device with internet access, preferably a laptop, computer, or iPad. The game is part of a free educational website so no account is required to play the game.

Link to the game:


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