Anchor Charts

Anchor Charts

Grade Level: 1

An anchor chart is a tool that helps facilitate classroom learning. An anchor chart displays students' and teachers' thoughts, ideas, and processes. Anchor charts can be created as part of a lesson or prior to or following a lesson by the teacher. They can be displayed as reminders of prior learning and built upon over multiple lessons. Anchor charts are extremely valuable tools, especially for the younger grades, as they can scaffold the students by hanging up on the wall.

Anchor charts can be used for all grade levels, subjects, and lessons. This is an example of an anchor chart for a first-grade math lesson on a specific lesson, Part-Part-Whole:

This is an example of an anchor chart for a first-grade unit that involves several lessons: 

These anchor charts are similar to the anchor charts hanging up in the classroom I am currently working in and can speak firsthand to how helpful they are for my first-grade students. When we are building upon a skill we have previously learned in the classroom, the students that need to be refreshed on the previous lesson and look to the anchor chart for the assistance they need.
